AcreTrader Releases Research on Carbon Credit Markets

June 22, 2022

As carbon markets develop globally, carbon credits are drawing interest as both a potential tool to address climate concerns and a generator of value in the agricultural space. Emerging programs encourage farmers to pursue carbon sequestration as a potential revenue source on their farms.

Two rows of corn in soil representing carbon sequestration

Because many of our partners and clients are interested in the possibilities and limitations of such programs, we field a lot of questions about participation in these programs on acres we manage.

Our Operations Team has generated a one-pager covering trends we’re seeing in this space and our thinking around carbon credits as a potential revenue source for farmers. Read the full report for free to learn about:

  • Carbon credits as greenhouse gas emission offsets
  • Key variables for the future viability of carbon markets
  • Major and minor tailwinds boosting carbon market development
  • Major and minor headwinds currently slowing carbon market prospects

Note that participation in most carbon credit programs is at the discretion of the individual farmer. While we encourage and support our farming partners in making the most sustainable decisions for the land they operate, we generally do not exert influence regarding particular agricultural practices or participation in rewards programs.

Read the report here.

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