Kentucky Agriculture Overview

Explore Kentucky agriculture and learn what makes it unique.


kentucky20 yearsAll

Agriculture has a long history in the state of Kentucky and is still is one of the state’s leading economic drivers. Throughout its history, Kentucky has been one of the leading producers of tobacco in the nation and still remains the number 2 exporter of the crop. Today, Livestock producers play a large role in our agricultural economy as Kentucky is the number 1 exporter of Livestock products. As of 2017, there were a total of 75,966 farms producing a wide variety of crops and animal products adding up to nearly 13 million acres, 51% of the total land area.

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Production Value



kentucky Farmland Quick Facts

In the latest USDA Ag Census, we saw that Kentucky farmers produced and sold more than $5.7 billion worth of agricultural products, $2.5 million worth of field, greenhouse, and nursery crops and $3.6 million of Livestock, Poultry, and their products.

The top 5 counties in terms of agricultural sales were Graves County, Fayette County, Bourbon County, Christian County, and Mclean County. These counties account for 20% of all agricultural revenue in Kentucky.

Top Crops and Commodities


Top Crops and Commodities
  • animal totals
  • grain
  • poultry totals
  • cattle
  • soybeans
  • other
Economic Impact
Number of Farms
Average Farm Size

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