The majority of US farmland is owned and operated by farmers while around 40% of farmland is owned by non operator owners.
Assessing the Current Almond Market Environment
Assessing the Current Almond Market Environment
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Who Owns U.S. Farmland?
Investor Insights: AcreTrader's Aggregation Advantage in Illinois
AcreTrader successfully closed the sale of an aggregation of four separate offerings in Illinois. These farms were funded in four separate...
Using a Farmland Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) for a 1031 Exchange
Learn what a Farmland Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) is and how it can be used for a 1031 Exchange.
How We Conduct Due Diligence on Farmland Investment Opportunities
AcreTrader performs rigorous due diligence for investment opportunities on our platform so that investors, family offices, and other...
What Clients Want: Trends in Alternative Investments for Advisors
According to a survey by Wealth Management, nearly 60% of advisors are looking to advance their institutional investments by driving more of...